Motor Vehicle Information

Adjustments & Required Proof

All Motor Vehicle mailing address changes, must be done through the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles. For further details, contact the Assessor's Office at (860) 489-2222.

If you have specific questions about what to do if you are taxed for a vehicle you no longer own. Click on the link below. 

Si tiene preguntas específicas sobre qué hacer si le cobran impuestos por un vehículo que ya no posee. Haga clic en el enlace de abajo.

IMPORTANT NOTICE:  THE TIME ALLOWED FOR PRO-RATE ADJUSTMENTS ON 2021 MOTOR VEHICLE TAX INCLUDING 2021 MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLEMENTAL TAX  EXPIRES  DECEMBER 31, 2023. NO prorate/adjustment may be made prior to the 2020 Grand List tax bill pursuant to CGS 12-71c(b).

Frequently Asked Questions