City Council & WPCA Meeting Agenda

February 18, 2020
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Tuesday, February 18, 2020 - 6:30pm




Tuesday, February 18, 2020

City Hall Auditorium

6:30 p.m.


1. Vote to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held February 3, 2020.

 Open to Public

2. Vote to open the meeting to the public.

M.I.R.A. Statement of Interest

3. Vote to authorize the Mayor to Execute a “Non-Binding Informational Statement of Interest” between the City of Torrington and MIRA.

 Peck Road Reconstruction Project

Vote to authorize the Mayor to award and administer the Peck Road Reconstruction Contract to B & W Paving & Landscaping of Waterford, CT for the amount of *$498,539.70, with quantity fluctuation and contingencies of up to $49,850, funded by LoCIP and the WPCA4. .

Purchase Total Station Survey Equipment

5. Vote to authorize the Mayor to award and execute the purchase of a Robotic Total Station & Survey Grade GPS Receive System from Waypoint Technology Group LLC of Albany, NY for the amount of $48,063.33, funded by the city’s Pavement Management Program Bond Fund.

Diesel Fuel, #2 Fuel Oil, Gasoline Contract

6. Vote to authorize the Purchasing Agent to enter into the following 3 contracts, if the prices are no greater than 10% over the bid price as presented on February 18, 2020.

a.  Diesel Fuel

b. #2 Fuel Oil

c. Gasoline Contract

WPCA:  Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement

7. Acting herein as the Water Pollution Control Authority, vote to approve the following payments:

DATE                CONTRACTOR      INVOICE            AMOUNT             DESCRIPTION

12/16/19           Wright-Pierce          204500               $6,943.67            CIP D-9 Harris Drive PS Design

2/8/20               Wright-Pierce          204793               $11,566.02          CIP D-9 Harris Drive PS Design

WPCA:  Re-Bid Homestead Rd. & Kimball Ln. Sanitary Sewer

8.     Discussion to consider the residents of Homestead Road and Kimball Lane petition request to rebid the Sanitary Sewer Improvements Project.

9.     Discussion to consider the request from the residents of Homestead Road and Kimball Lane regarding the provisions for calculating the Benefit Assessment as outlined in the Letter dated January 9, 2020.

WPCA:  Benefit Assessment for Homestead Rd. & Kimball Ln. Sanitary Sewer 

10.     Vote:  Acting herein as the Water Pollution Control Authority, vote to authorize the re-bidding of the “Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project” as currently designed.

11.     Vote:  Acting herein as the Water Pollution Control Authority, vote to adopt the following guidelines for establishing the Benefit Assessment upon project completion.

      a.  Benefit Assessment be based on a total of 34 lots (21 currently Developed, 1 currently undeveloped, 12 potential lots).

      b.  Repayment Installment plan of maximum of 20 years at 2% interest.

      c.  The Capacity Reserve Fee (i.e. Connection Fee) be waived for the 21 currently developed lots

Release of Liens

12. Vote to accept Corporation Counsel’s recommendation and authorize the Mayor, pursuant to C.G.S. §12-179, to release the liens described in Atty. Muschell’s memo dated February 18,2020.

Schedule Public Hearing, Comm. Devel. Block Grant

13.  Vote to schedule a Public Hearing on Monday, March 16, 2020 at 6:30 pm to discuss the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Community Development Block Grant program and to solitcit citizen input.

Waive Bid Process for Parking Meters

14.  Vote to waive the City’s bid process and approve the purchase of parking meters from sole-source vendor ‘Take A Powder, Inc. DBA Meter Products, Co., Inc.’ in the sum of $14,535, as presented in quote #129, contingent upon approval by the Board of Finance. This was previously approved by the Board of Public Safety on February 5, 2020.

 15. Business by Dept. Heads

16.  Business by Mayor & Members

Open to the Public for Agenda Items Only

17.  Vote to open the meeting to the public to discuss agenda items only.

18.  Adjournment