City Council & WPCA Meeting Agenda

City Hall Auditorium / Zoom
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Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 6:30pm

Public Comment (for in-person attendees only)

1. Vote to open the meeting to the public, in accordance with Section 4(e) of the City Council & WPCA Meeting Rules of Procedure.



2. Vote to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held June 21, 2021.



3. Vote to approve the appointments of Kristi Barto and Ann Johnson as regular members of the Arts & Culture Commission to fill the remainder of four-year terms expiring on December 31, 2024.

4. Vote to accept the recommendation of the Services for the Elderly Commission and approve the Mayor’s appointment of Alternate Commissioner Ed Wilmot as a regular member of the Services for the Elderly Commission to fill the remainder of a three-year term vacated by John Silano and expiring on July 6, 2023.

5. Vote to accept the recommendation of the Services for the Elderly Commission and approve the Mayor’s reappointment of Commissioner John Riggs as a regular member of the Services for the Elderly Commission for a three-year term expiring on July 6, 2024

6. Vote to accept the recommendation of the Services for the Elderly Commission and approve the Mayor’s appointment of Tina Vannini as an alternate member of the Services for the Elderly Commission.


Management Resolution Updates

7. Vote to approve the 2021 Management Resolution updates described in the Personnel Director’s memo dated June 25, 2021.


Contract Award: Supply & Installation of Roll-Up Doors

8. Vote by the City Council, herein acting as the WPCA, to accept the recommendation of the WPCA Administrator to waive the bid process and award the contract for the supply and installation of two roll-up doors to Torrington Overhead Door Co. Inc. for the total amount of $24,674.


Contract Award: Extension of Cleaning Services

9. Vote to accept the recommendation of the Purchasing Agent and the Parks & Recreation Superintendent to extend the current bid contract with Building One Facility Services, LLC for cleaning services at the Armory Building and Teen Center through FY 21/22, at the same prices and terms as the current contract.


Contract Award: City Hall Water Fountain Relocation

10. Vote to accept the recommendation of the Deputy Public Works Director / City Engineer to award the contract for the relocation of the City Hall water fountain from City Hall to Franklin Plaza to Yield Industries, LLC for the total cost of $34,440, to be funded by the Arts Place Making Grant ($27,822) and the Parks Department ($6,618), and authorize the Mayor to act on behalf of the City regarding the award and execution of the contract agreement.


Commissioning Agent Services Agreement

11. Vote to appoint Innovative Engineering Services, LLC to act as commissioning agent for the construction of the new high school, middle school, and central offices, and authorize the Mayor to execute the Commissioning Agent Services Agreement.


Online Vital Record Processing

12. Vote to authorize the City Clerk to enter into an agreement with Permitium, LLC of Pinewood, NC for online vital record processing.


WPCA Invoices

13. Vote by the City Council, herein acting as the WPCA, to approve the following payments from Fund #490 Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement: CLICK HERE


Release of Liens

14. Vote to accept Corporation Counsel’s recommendation and authorize the Mayor, pursuant to C.G.S. §12-179, to release the liens described in Atty. Muschell’s memo dated July 6, 2021.


Tax Collector Refunds

15. Vote to accept the recommendation of the Tax Collector and authorize the tax refunds indicated on the list dated July 6, 2021.


16. Business by Dept. Heads


17. Business by Mayor & Members


18. Adjournment